City Tower Hláska

Would you like to see Opava and its surroundings from above? Then visit the city tower Hláska in Horní Square in the town centre. The tower is 60 meters high and in good weather it offers views of the tops of the Jeseníky Mountains. The city tower Hláska is open to public every Saturday from April to September, and in the evenings during the Christmas Market.

How difficult is it to climb the tower? You can walk up four flights of stairs in Hláska or take the lift. Then you will have to take the iron and wooden stairs up the tower. We won’t tell you how many stairs there are. Come and count them yourselves!

School groups and organized groups can make a private booking. To make a reservation, contact the Tourist Information Centre. (tel.: +420 553 756 143, e-mail:

Hláska in 2021:

5 April to 25 September every Saturday from 10:00 to 17:00

Entry: 30 CZK / 10 CZK (children under 15 years, visitors with disability)

Tickets can be purchased on site or in advance in the Tourist Information Centre.